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Internet Services

The Internet services that eWorld plans to offer later in 1995 should suffice for most beginning Internet users, although they won't satisfy people who want a full Internet connection. eWorld provides an Internet Resource Center that will provide access to all of eWorld's Internet services and will provide additional information and discussions about the Internet (see figure 12.25).

Figure 12.25: eWorld Internet Resource Center.

Unfortunately, I can't show you anything beyond the base of the Internet Resource Center, because the services weren't yet turned on, unlike the MacTCP-based access to eWorld, which did work fine.


eWorld provides a clean graphical interface for Internet email, much as does AOL. Similarly, eWorld does not charge for email that goes in or out through its Internet gateway (see figure 12.26).

Figure 12.26: eWorld Mail window, with the Internet dialog box showing.

The Internet email gateway on eWorld allows you to forward messages to Internet users (easier than copying and pasting into a new message). You also can send email to a number of people simultaneously, saving connect time and thus cost (in contrast, CompuServe charges you for each recipient).

Not surprisingly, eWorld suffers from the same problems as AOL. Outgoing messages are limited in size to the amount of text that can fit in the software's message box (about 24,000 characters). You can't send attached files through the gateway (it's technically feasible, but would increase the traffic significantly). eWorld splits large email messages that come in from the Internet at about 23K each, which is a pain, but an improvement from the previous 7K chunks.

Note: If you receive large messages on eWorld regularly, I recommend a utility called ChunkJoiner for merging the various pieces. Look for it on eWorld or in:

To send email from eWorld to the Internet, you don't have to do anything special. You type the Internet address in the To field and fill in the Subject field and the body of the message, as you do when sending email to another eWorld user.

To send email from the Internet to a user on eWorld, you must remember a few simple rules. First, you need to know the person's username. Second, type the username in lowercase letters, to avoid offending email packages that are picky about upper- and lowercase. Third, remove any spaces in the name. Fourth, append an @ and the machine name and domain to the end of the address; for eWorld, it's eworld.comAdam Engst, so to send me email from the Internet, you address your message to

Charges & Connecting

eWorld costs $8.95 per month, which includes four free hours during evenings or weekends, with every hour after those two an additional $2.95. Daytime hours are an additional $2.95 per hour. Apple is making eWorld software available for free if you call 800-775-4556, and there are often some special deals with something like 10 free hours of use in the first month. In addition, the eWorld software is bundled with the definitive book on eWorld, called eWorld: The Official Guide for Macintosh Users, (Hayden Books, 1994), written by long-time author and Macworld editor Cary Lu along with John Milligan. Ask for it in your local bookstore. Finally, for more information about eWorld, check out their Web page at:

Other Commercial Services

Although I recommend one of the above three commercial services for most people, there are others that may be more appropriate for certain situations. Therefore, although the following commercial online services aren't necessarily as common or useful for Internet access as those I've discussed above, I feel that they're worth mentioning.

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